Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lesson 4 - What are the reactants & products in our chemical reactions?

Lesson goal: 

As a group you should be able to find the chemical formula for the reactants and products for each person your group.  Please understand that some reactions are much harder to find/understand than others, do your best, and email Mr. Scanga with questions.

Materials needed

Chemical Reaction Slide Spreadsheet, 1 laptop per group (5 groups)

Lesson steps:

  1. Didn’t watch last class?  Watch this BrainPop Chemical Equations un: aisbudapest pw: brainpop
  2. Get into groups (Find groups color coded on spreadsheet)  6.1   6.2   6.3   6.4   
  3. Look at each person in group’s work from last night
  4. Together, search for formulas that include both the reactants and products for each group member (Ex: 2Na+Cl2 ⇢ 2 NaCl)
  5. One person email Mr. Scanga questions from group make sure to cc: your group members in this email, see example of what I mean

Measuring your learning:  

Your learning here may not be your own reaction, but you should be able to see that all reactions have things in common.  You can measure your learning by being able to explain some of the things that all reactions have in common.
No homework, unless your group was not able to figure out your chemical formula in class

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