Sunday, September 27, 2009

Frog Eating Bird and 162 More Species

A frog that eats birds and a gecko with leopard stripes are among the 163 new species discovered last year in the Greater Mekong region of southeast Asia, according to a report by the World Wildlife Fund.


Hannah R. said...


Megan G said...

how does that thing eat birds? will it eat humans? (like ME?)

Mr. Scanga said...

I don't know how, but I wouldn't worry about this thing sneaking into your house and eating you. It is too small and of course far away!

Megan G said...

ok,thats good cause my friends will miss MEEE!!!

Hannah R. said...

Mr. Scanga I found out what a octopus is. It is a cephalopod.
Cephalopods consist of groups of free swimming invertebrates, such as squids, cuttlefish and octopuses, that lack a hard shell. It is not a arachnid! Haha.

Juliet said...

Climbing up Mt. Everest is not worth it because you can get bad frost bite and get a chance of dying.You do not want to risk your life. Besides 40 million dollars is way to much money. So would you rather take the chance and spend 40million dollars and climb Mt. Everest, or stay home and maybe watch someone and stay in your comfy house. When you get towards the top it starts to low down on oxygen. So take my advice and stay home dont spend 40 million dollars to rick your life!