Course Standards & Info

Content - Science 8
The content and skills standards in this course come from the Next Generation Science Standards. Using these standards students will be challenged to think critically, analyze information, and solve complex problems, in the areas of Life Sciences and Earth Sciences.  The following units will make up our year:

Unit 1: Genetics & Heredity
Unit 2: Evolutions & Populations
Unit 3: Human Influence on The Environment
Unit 4: Engineering Environmental Solutions 

See the Science Blog for further information on the content of each unit.  In the "Unit" tab, you will find our current unit expectations and resources to help students understand the concepts and skills in a unit.  Units will be posted throughout the year.

Assessment - Science 8
Students will be assessed in three different areas by what they show they know and can do.   These areas are:

Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding
Criterion B: Inquiring and Designing
Criterion C: Processing and Evaluating

Students will receive a 1-7 on individual assignments as well as an overall grade of 1-7 in each criterion at the end of each semester. 

The following rubrics will be used to provide feedback on student learning in each of the criteria. 

Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding

At the end of Middle School, students should be able to:
Describe, analyze, and apply scientific knowledge to solve problems in familiar and unfamiliar situations.

Achievement level
Level Descriptor
Excelling (6-7)
The student is able to:
  • describe scientific knowledge
  • apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations
  • analyze information to make scientifically supported judgments
Meeting (4-5)
The student is able to:
  • outline scientific knowledge
  • apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar situations and suggest solutions set in unfamiliar situations
  • interpret information to make scientifically supported judgments
Approaching (3)
The student is able to:
  • state scientific knowledge
  • apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar situations
  • apply information to make scientifically supported judgments
Emerging (1-2)
The student is able to:
  • recall scientific knowledge
  • apply scientific knowledge and understanding to suggest solutions to problems set in familiar situation
  • apply information to make judgments

Criterion B: Inquiring & Designing

At the end of Middle School, students should be able to:
Describe a problem or question to be tested, outline a testable hypothesis using correct scientific reasoning, and describe how to manipulate variables.

Achievement level
Level Descriptor
Excelling (6-7)
The student is able to:
  • describe a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation
  • outline and explain a testable hypothesis using correct scientific reasoning
  • describe how to manipulate the variables, and describe how sufficient, relevant data will be collected
  • design a logical, complete and safe method in which he or she selects appropriate materials and equipment
Meeting (4-5)
The student is able to:
  • outline a problem or a question to be tested by scientific investigation
  • outline and explain a testable hypothesis using scientific reasoning
  • outline how to manipulate the variables, and outline how sufficient, relevant data will be collected
  • design a complete and safe method in which he or she selects appropriate materials and equipment
Approaching (3)
The student is able to:
  • state a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation
  • outline a testable hypothesis using scientific reasoning
  • outline how to manipulate variables, and state how relevant data will be collected.
  • design a safe method in which he or she selects materials and equipment.
Emerging (1-2)
The student is able to:
  • state a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation with limited success
  • state a testable hypothesis
  • state the variables
  • design a method with limited success

Criterion C: Processing and Evaluating

At the end of Middle School, students should be able to:
Collect, organize, interpret and transform data; evaluate outcomes and improvements.

Achievement level
Level Descriptor
Excelling (6-7)
The student is able to:

  • correctly collect, organize, transform and present data in numerical and/or visual forms
  • accurately interpret data and describe results using correct scientific reasoning
  • discuss the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
  • discuss the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
  • describe improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit the scientific investigation.
Meeting (4-5)
The student is able to:
  • correctly collect, organize and present data in numerical and/or visual forms
  • accurately interpret data and describe results using scientific reasoning
  • outline the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
  • outline the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
  • outline improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit the scientific investigation.
Approaching (3)
The student is able to:
  • correctly collect and present data in numerical and/or visual forms
  • accurately interpret data and describe results
  • state the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
  • state the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific investigation
  • state improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit the scientific investigation
Emerging (1-2)
The student is able to:
  • collect and present data in numerical and/or visual forms
  • accurately interpret data
  • state the validity of a hypothesis with limited reference to a scientific investigation
  • state the validity of the method with limited reference to a scientific investigation
  • state limited improvements or extensions to the method

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