Sunday, April 7, 2013

Lesson 1 - What is a chemical reaction? (2 class periods, no homework)

Lesson goal

You should be able to explain in your own words what happens to atoms and molecules in a chemical reaction.

Materials needed

matches (teacher), candle, jar, What is a Chemical Reaction? Packet, scissors, markers, glue stick, pencil, red crayon/pencil/marker

Lesson steps

  1. Watch this Jing - Introduction
  2. Teacher will light a candle; observe
  3. Teacher will put a jar on candle; observe & explain what happens - Fill out packet 1-3
  4. Watch this Jing - Candle Reaction Packet - 4
  5. Watch this Jing - Activity Intro & Instructions
  6. Color, cut, and show products (right side)
  7. Move molecules to reactants (left side) 
  8. Recreate products on right side again 
  9. Make sure to answer all questions in packet
  10. Extra time in class?   Share and revise your summary & watch Jing - Review

Measuring your own learning

At this point you should begin to be able to explain that for a chemical reaction to take place, the bonds between atoms in the reactants are broken, the atoms rearrange, and new bonds between the atoms are formed to make the products.  

Did you see a conservation of matter in this chemical reaction?  If so, you should be able to explain that just like state change, in a chemical reaction, no atoms are created or destroyed -- things just change place.
Homework: None, unless packet is not finished by the end of the second 40 minute class

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